A Secure Journey to Your New Job

What We Offer for Employees

Sign up for free

Completely free registration

Setup your profile quickly

Effortless profile setup with one-click options and instructions

Verify your past experiences

Boosted credibility with affirmations from former recruiters

Apply in one swipe

Swipe feature for faster matches

Get Personalized Recommendations

Machine Learning for tailored job recommendations

What We Offer for Employers

Choose your payment plan

Unique features for each subscription level

View verified resumes of applicants

Approved job experiences by former employers

Monitor the effectiveness of your job ads

Detailed statistics for efficient business analytics

Express your terms and preferences easily

Built-in checkboxes that enable faster job ad creation

Get Personalized Recommendations

Machine Learning for tailored employee recommendations


Introducing Istasyon: Your Ultimate Job-Matching Companion! Say goodbye to endless job searches and hello to effortless connections. Istasyon revolutionizes the way job seekers and employers find their perfect match, combining the simplicity of swipe-right technology with the efficiency of a professional network. With verified past experiences and a user-friendly interface, finding your dream job or ideal candidate has never been easier. Join Istasyon today and discover a world of opportunities at your fingertips!


Chapter 1

Popular Jobs

Our Team

About us

To empower individuals to achieve financial independence through self-reliance and meritocracy, İstasyon provides a dynamic platform connecting job seekers with opportunities. We strive to combat stagnancy in the job market by promoting equal access to business opportunities, amplifying the voices of all applicants, and fostering a culture of fairness and equity

To empower individuals to achieve financial independence through self-reliance and meritocracy, Istasyon provides a dynamic platform connecting job seekers with opportunities. We strive to combat stagnancy in the job market by promoting equal access to business opportunities, amplifying the voices of all applicants, and fostering a culture of fairness and equity

Contact us

Office: Bilkent EE Binasi Lab 102 Üniversiteler, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara


Mail: istasyon.app@outlook.com

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