Location Tracking
Track the location of the user. Also, set a safe zone for the user and get notifications when the user get out of the safe zone.
Movement Tracking
Track the movements of the user. Get notifications for the sudden changes, such as falling…
Heart Rate Tracking
Track the heart rate of the user. Get notifications for the sudden increases/decreases.
Tracker by Mesatech is a wearable technology which provides location, movement, and heart rate tracking. We have created this product for the children, elderly people and alzheimer's patients. With an Android device, caretakers can track their beloved one any time. Once you have set the product, caretakers do not even have to check the mobile application. Tracker by Mesatech will take care of your beloved one with its unique features. With the Safe-Zone feature, user can freely travel in a selected area, once the user get out of this area the caretaker will be notified. Also, any sudden changes in the movements (such as falling) or increase/decrease in the heart rate will be sent as a notification to the caretaker.