
Smooth Learning Kit

 1.000,00  750,00

Smooth learning kit includes 3 different activities and many different physical components.



This kit delivers interdisciplinary learning concepts for children with various electronic activities. Hardware components consist of electronic modules that can be attached to each other and all are compatible with Arduino. Children can learn the basics of robotics and computer programming with this kit. Smooth learning kit includes 3 different activities and many different physical components after initial purchase. The smooth app will also include additional different activities. The activities will be in-app purchases and the manual of these activities can be accessed in the application. This report briefly explains the functionalities, dimensions, and weight of the Smooth Learning Kit from engineering insight. 


Smooth Learning kits are practical, hands-on tool that demonstrates key STEM concepts, core aspects of programming. Ideal for middle school kids, it includes three projects teach the basics of electronics and programming. The Smooth Learning Kit cutting-edge Arduino-based projects so that students can learn fundamental STEM concepts, key aspects of robotic with Bluetooth car project, get a tendency to the music with piano project and learn the science and biology with smart pot project. These projects will challenge them intellectually and help them develop STEM skills. The Arduino compatible components can easily be attached to customized projects. Kids get to tinker with the modules and see the impact of their creation right away.