Aeroponics. What is it?


It is the growing of plants by suspending their roots in the air

and spraying them with nutrient solutions[1].

The technology differs from the traditional farming methods.
With aeroponics you do not need to have a field or a garden to grow your plants.
It requires no direct sun light or soil and even can be integrated at your homes.
Different than Hydroponics[2], it requires %95 less water in growing plants.

The system nourishes the roots of plants with mist that consist nutrient.
Above that there is the seed tray. Seeds are planted in the area of soilless medium
or in pieces of rock wool. For the light source, LEDs are placed on top.


How it works?

After planting the seeds on a soilless medium (coconut coir, rockwool etc.), the nutrient-laden solution is pushed through pipes and to the nozzles which will moisten the roots periodically. Anything that is not absorbed by the roots falls back into solution area and gets cycled again. Throughout the process, seeds are exposed to LEDs that has different wavelengths.

“The technology differs from the traditional farming methods.
With aeroponics you do not need to have a field or a garden to grow your plants.
It requires no direct sun light or soil and even can be integrated at your homes.
Different than Hydroponics, it requires %95 less water in growing plants.”

Advantages of Aeroponics

Faster growth. By eliminating the soil or any high dense growing medium, freed roots are able to consume more oxygen which leads faster growth.

Eco-friendly. The system uses %95 less water than the traditional farming methods. The water it uses containing the nutrition is in a loop, therefore nutrients get recycled, too.

No pesticides. Since the system is enclosed, it doesn’t include any harmful insects or the pollution coming from the air. You are %100 clear from all the pollution and the harmful chemicals.

Efficient. Although it uses very few resources & areas, it has the ability to grow large quantities in small areas. Remember, the method is applied mainly in vertical farming.

Aeroponic enthusiast claim that aeroponic growing may be superior to growing in natural conditions[1]. Because the system is rooted equally, every seed is under the same conditions. That’s why, the aeroponic goods are ready to produce more rather than the ones grow in the normal field conditions. For example, aeroponic tomatoes do become ready produce four times a year when normal tomatoes are produced one.


What can you Grow with Aeroponics?

Everything, if it fits in the system. Its main application is on leafy greens, tomatoes, strawberries and some expensive culinary herbs. Even root crops are suitable for the system since they have the place to grow. It also is used for special purposes like ancient seed farming or for growing medical herbs.

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