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Did you know that there is no universal sign language? Most countries have their own distinct sign languages in fact, sign language differs among cities in Turkey.
Our crew has worked for days and nights throughout the year to develop an impressive engineering product. We are still waiting for your support.

Our product
apphear is a real-time voice-to-sign language converter for hearing impaired people. It enables hearing impaired people to participate in both social and educational environments by visually providing a simultaneous sign language animation via desktop and mobile applications. The major functionality of apphear is converting the speech to both subtitles and sign language animation in real time.
Our Progress...
We share our progress with different areas separately to keep you posted about our product.
For more information, click on the progress tab.
What we provide?
Realtime Follow-up
University lectures, conferences and all kinds of public classes become usable for hearing-impaired people.
Educational Development
Both personal and occupational education opportunity borns for hearing-impaired people
Social Integration
Hearing-impaired people appears more in business, social and educational environments.

Do you want to learn more...
Take some time and meet our employees
Get detailed information about our product
We share our progress with different areas separately to keep you posted about our product.
Who we are
Our main goal is to solve communication problem of hearing-impaired individuals during the lectures and conferences.
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About us
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel placerat magna, eget scelerisque est. Ut tincidunt, sem vehicula sodales blandit, sem nisi pharetra dui, hendrerit pulvinar ante lectus eu lectus. Quisque sed enim fermentum, condimentum nisi nec, consequat lacus. Sed massa metus, tincidunt quis condimentum eget, viverra id sem. Nam dapibus nibh consectetur, accumsan libero sed, dictum augue. Nulla cursus tortor in felis cursus volutpat. Aenean laoreet sapien et justo ultrices, at pellentesque dui semper. In quis leo id sem semper accumsan nec vitae eros. Ut non hendrerit diam. Curabitur malesuada arcu sit amet nulla vulputate imperdiet.